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The Mother of Pearl buttoned Billet Box with a matte black Cerakote finish and a fine black splatter texture attempting to emulate the finish found on high end cameras that i really shouldn't have because I super don't know what all the buttons and knobs do and i'm not that into photography anywayz so i'm not ever going to take the time and like,, practice or read the instruction manual... i'll just keep calling the thing a piece of crap despite knowing perfectly well i just suck. 

Piebald SLR Rev. 4C

The Mother of Pearl buttoned Billet Box with a matte black Cerakote finish and a fine black splatter texture attempting to emulate the finish found on high end cameras that i really shouldn't have because I super don't know what all the buttons and knobs do and i'm not that into photography anywayz so i'm not ever going to take the time and like,, practice or read the instruction manual... i'll just keep calling the thing a piece of crap despite knowing perfectly well i just suck. 

Piebald SLR Rev. 4C


-Black Cerakoted Billet Box w/ black splatter & Mother of Pearl button - DNA-60
-5.5ml Boro Faced Tank
-Nord Coil Adapter
-Replacement O-Rings

Requires: (not included)

-One 18650 IMR Cell, Non-Protected.
-Nord coil OR any other adapter, coil or rba system for the Billet Box, there is kind of a bunch...
-Any 510 drip tip

Бренд Billet Box Vapor

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